The 2005 Travels of Richard n Shirley

We are fulltime RV's. This means we have no other home but our motor home. We joined the Escapees RV Club and use their mail forwarding service and forum. In addition to Escapees forum, you can find us on and We are Richard n Shirley on all of them. We access the internet with a Direcway satellite dish mounted on a tripod. We do set up the dish at every place we stop for the night or more. We are #2321 on Click us and you will find our current location.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

The road thru the sandhills of Nebraska. You cant tell it from the pics but the hills are all sand. Some of them reach upwards to 4000 ft. The road was hilly too. Some of the climbs were pretty steep and brought the speed down to 35 at the top of the hill while I was doing 65 at the bottom of the climb. The speed limit here is 55. There was minimal paved shoulder to none. The road from Gorden to Ellsworth was mostly under repair with new asphalt. And as we went south from Gorden, the road got progressively narrower. Im sure we were on some 10 ft roads from the width of the tow dolly which is 8.5 ft wide, same as the rv. Keeping the dolly on the pavement is a real trick.
This area a large aquifer which the ranchers tapped into for their cattle. There was several places on the trip where the ground water surfaced and formed lakes for the cattle and wild life.
As you readly see, there is minimual shoulder. Most of the road bed thru here was built up high enough to make it to dangerous to pull very far off the road.
Hills, hills and more hills. This is the largest sand hills in the Western Hemisphere. We went west from state 27 and state 2 to our current location of Thedford. And there is still sand hills.
As soon as the mail arrives, we will be headed south and east to Iowa. We sat down and decided to go thru iowa as they have netter roads than MO. The MO roads are narrow, rough and have gravel for shoulders.
Even the interstates are bad. Makes you wonder where they are spending your federal tax money for roads.


At 1/26/2006 8:52 PM, Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

You drove through some beautiful country. It's still prairie there. I love the Sandhills. I grew up on a cattle ranch there.


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