The 2005 Travels of Richard n Shirley

We are fulltime RV's. This means we have no other home but our motor home. We joined the Escapees RV Club and use their mail forwarding service and forum. In addition to Escapees forum, you can find us on and We are Richard n Shirley on all of them. We access the internet with a Direcway satellite dish mounted on a tripod. We do set up the dish at every place we stop for the night or more. We are #2321 on Click us and you will find our current location.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Its a Saturday evening and there is little on tv. Sooooo, its scour the internet and see what there is that I have not found. And we had a 5th move with there two computers. So far no one has moved into that spot. There is five plus us on the signal tonight, including a new one. I bet they were surprised to find wifi in the middle of nowhere.

I did get a call from my daughter on friday late afternoon. But it seems that 12 miles was a long way to travel to see dad or even to say happy turkey day. Plans did not include me. Here brother has yet to call, email. I guess that is just how good a job I did raising my two. And grandpa could do a better job of remembering his grandkids too.

Our rain today here was a few drops. the lake is 12 feet down, our rain fall is 13 inches and counting below where we should be. It has been a dry year. But it could be worse, somehow.


At 11/26/2005 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1pm is "late afternoon"?? And it was a few more miles than 12... we were 280 miles from home and driving into a storm. No, plans did not include you this time, as I no longer have your address. Your last posting before Thanksgiving mentioned your brother coming for Thanksgiving, and I never got a call or email from you to know any differently, or even where you would be, should I be in the area.

You also missed your grandson's 13th birthday Monday.

And I'm fairly certain the first thing I said to you on the phone was Happy Thanksgiving.

I tried calling your cell again tonight, but just got voice mail. So glad you chose to post this, rather than bother me on the phone.


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