The 2005 Travels of Richard n Shirley

We are fulltime RV's. This means we have no other home but our motor home. We joined the Escapees RV Club and use their mail forwarding service and forum. In addition to Escapees forum, you can find us on and We are Richard n Shirley on all of them. We access the internet with a Direcway satellite dish mounted on a tripod. We do set up the dish at every place we stop for the night or more. We are #2321 on Click us and you will find our current location.

Friday, June 10, 2005

We slept in till nearly 10. I got up at 4am with a touchy tummy and sat on the potty for a while. When it was safe, I went back to bed. Shirley thinks it’s the water, not use to it. The water is safe to drink, just not use to it. We drink so many water processing systems that we are having “loose” bowels. We will try to stay with wally world bottled water and see how we do. Shirley tried the convection part of the microwave and baked biscuits. The problem with the oven is nearly no readable/understandable display. So it’s a guessing game. The biscuits turned out great and we consumed two each. Its 3:30 and raining. We have a squall line moving thru and that’s all. It turned a warm day into a cool afternoon. It's very pleasant. And it's now 7 pm and it's still raining. Got the car washed after dinner, well at least soaped but not rinsed. We will see if the rain will wash it off. The rain lasted for several hours and did a pretty good job of washing it off.


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