The 2005 Travels of Richard n Shirley

We are fulltime RV's. This means we have no other home but our motor home. We joined the Escapees RV Club and use their mail forwarding service and forum. In addition to Escapees forum, you can find us on and We are Richard n Shirley on all of them. We access the internet with a Direcway satellite dish mounted on a tripod. We do set up the dish at every place we stop for the night or more. We are #2321 on Click us and you will find our current location.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Give a dollar, five dollars or more to the relief for the victims of hurricane Katrina. You can send it to your local red cross or through Paypal. Yes, Paypal.

Use this Paypal connection to send your money now. Right now money in any form is urgently needed. Give as much as you can but give something. Its needed now and will be needed again in the near future.

Thanks for your time and a big thank you from the victims of our largest ever natural disaster this country has faced.

I have put this message on its own blog and linked it here for all my visitors to be able to find.


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