The 2005 Travels of Richard n Shirley

We are fulltime RV's. This means we have no other home but our motor home. We joined the Escapees RV Club and use their mail forwarding service and forum. In addition to Escapees forum, you can find us on and We are Richard n Shirley on all of them. We access the internet with a Direcway satellite dish mounted on a tripod. We do set up the dish at every place we stop for the night or more. We are #2321 on Click us and you will find our current location.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Here is our new location, Benbrook Lake in Benbrook, TX at the Holiday Park COE. Take a close look and see if you can find out what is wrong with this pic. It was a long trip in the motor home. We are, on Friday, on the road for 304 miles from DuQuoin, IL to east Arkansas at a rest area for the night. Closest town was Beulah, AR. We left a moisture ladden campground for the heat and dryness of north central Texas and a chance to dry out. We got mushrooms growing in our wet carpet.

We got up Saturday morning and left after breakfast at 8:00 am. Many hours later we arrived. But not after having to drive around
Dallas from I30 to 635 south to I20 west for a total of 466 miles. The traffic was as usual a nightmare. Shirley many times just looked away and said "I'm closing my eyes". Driving in Dallas in a car is not much fun.

These are just some views of the lake from up high. I took these from our parking space, We got water and elec here with a dump station down the drive.

Can you now tell what is wrong withthese pictures? Its awful brown. Now you got it, its dry. Dont know when it rained here last but its brown. I looked at the lake water level and its down 10.5 feet. This lake is one of many used for water source. It appears to be the first one on the list. The city put in a 96" concrete water main to obtain water from the lake and pump it to the south water treatment plant.

Here is another view of the lake level. The campground borders the lake at this point. Swimming is not a good idea and boating is non-existant. It seems the boat ramps are well above the existing water level making it impossible to put a boat in.

It can and does get dry here in Texas. Oh, it it can be HOT! We are here to see the Dr and dentist. I hope its worth the $352.00 in gas and 770 miles it took to get here.


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